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Ugly Fish glasses for all-day motorcycle riders

Ugly Fish photo chromic all-day riding glasses

If you like to ride on into the night, you’ll need glasses that can accommodate both sun and night vision.

We’ve been wearing a pair of Ugly Fish photo chromic glasses since 2014 and found them great for riding in all light conditions.

They start off clear when I put them on in the garage then go dark when I head outside and go clear again if I ride into the night.

They are so popular Ugly Fish, has made photo chromic versions of their popular Warhead and Cannon styles at the same price of $149.95. That price has not changed in four years now!


For those who understand the tint categories, the all-hours lenses transition from a Clear Category 1 to Smoke Category 3 sunglass when exposed to UV. 

The lenses are also shatterproof and have anti-fog coatings that actually work.

They have slim and lightweight TR90 plastic frames that feel comfortable under a helmet and bend so they are difficult to break.

Ugly Fish glasses come with a limited lifetime warranty.